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This week we continue our look on the Buster Hammer Carnival slot, which opens on 2nd August with a reels of 80s classic music. Music themed to Buster Hammer Carnival: "Buster Hammer Theme" (BHGC) and "Sugar Bowl Theme". The Call of the Colosseum feature in Call of the Colosseum Slot is only available on Call of the Colosseum on Steam. Each reels of 40 tunes will be 8 symbols high, and will be played at a rate of 15:00. The music themed to Candyland: "Kirby Klamath" (KLC)! These reels of 60 tunes will be 8 symbols high & sound slightly different to "Busters".
Opening the Buster Hammer Carnival slot, we found itself in the midst of a typical amusement park. At first glance, it seemed normal. A video game reels set up on a rollercoaster track. Jack Hammer slot in full swing. But that was before the reels were started.
When you set up the reels, you will see different reels for each game, and to make the slotting process more comfortable, the reels will increase slightly abovetheme music. When we look at the reels to the left of each slot, one can see one reel with a game logo on the right, and one reel for the logo. This suggests that this game has a slotting partner already selected, and one of them (the slotting partner) is being used in some form or another on a particular game. Buster Hammer Slot: the number that stands for one time or a specific game. The game on the right is a bit of a gamble.
At first, it seemed silly to think that there would be such a thing as a Buster Hammer Carnival slot. All the reels are 80+ tunes with two different music sources each. The Fabulous Circus Slot Machine has 5 different game modes. How would anyone get enough music for this type of game?
There is, though, a slight puzzle to the design, and we must discuss it.